[Download-List] TOTALS

Alan Topal ATopal at uamail.albany.edu
Fri Oct 20 09:56:45 EDT 2006

I have gotten around this by putting the appropriate number of LITERAL entries in the FOOTING.ON command.  So something like:
FOOTING.ON FINAL\                                                          
  LITERAL "GRAND TOTAL"\                                                          
  LITERAL ""\                                                               
  LITERAL ""\                                                               
  LITERAL ""\                                                               
Alan Topal
University Applications Development
University at Albany,
State University of New York
phone: 518-437-3832
fax: 518-437-4540

 -----Original Message-----
From: download-list-bounces at cedarville.edu [mailto:download-list-bounces at cedarville.edu]On Behalf Of Barry Rogen
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 9:40 AM
To: download-list at cedarville.edu
Subject: [Download-List] TOTALS

   Dear   list,

        I am having problems with the FOOTING.ON  command to show totals. The

problem is column related. When the Excel spreadsheet (HTML)  report is generated

the spreadsheet will show to value amounts in (lets say)  the 5th column. However

when  there is a break.on total  or a grand total, the value shows in the first column

and not the fifth. see what I am trying to say below. 

Acct   Customer Name                                        Sales Amt

12345  A B C  Plumbing                                      12,500.00

654321 C D E  Electrical                                      10,500.00

Grand Total  23,000,00

and not

Grand Total                                                         23,500.00

How can I get the FOOTING.ON  break totals to appear in the proper


 Thank you very much, in advance for your assistance !!!

Barry  Rogen

PNY Technologies, Inc.

Senior  Programmer/Analyst

(973)  515 - 9700  ext 5327

brogen at pny.com


Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win 

glorious triumphs even though checkered by

failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who

neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live

in the gray twilight that knows neither victory

nor defeat.                t. roosevelt


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